CMC Ventilazione products purify air and surfaces, fully respect human health and the environment, do not use harmful substances or chemicals, and do not produce special waste.
CMC Ventilazione products have been verified by independent bodies and universities for their sustainability and effectiveness. Discover the certifications obtained.

Industrial fans: our range

Industrial fans: our range
Discover the air treatment units we produce and contact us for a no-obligation consultation or to design a customised solution for your business.
We have been manufacturing industrial fans for the Ho.Re.Ca. and HVAC sector since 1970. In over 50 years of activity we have honed our skills to design and manufacture ventilation units and extraction systems to meet different application needs, and today we have a product range from AC fans to solutions with integrated air sanitation systems. Discover with us all the models currently available.
Fans with AC asynchronous motors
Traditional fans, perfect for those who have no particular ventilation needs and want a more economical yet efficient solution when used at low speeds.
Fans with brushless motor
More efficient and safer fans when used intensively and for longer periods. Suitable for those who need an industrial fan that is always running at high speeds.
Transmission fans
Centrifugal fans, quiet and unobtrusive, suitable for environments that need to move large flows of air at medium to high pressures.
Fume suction
Extractor fans for oily fumes and corrosive mists in industrial environments, as well as extractor fans for air treatment in the Ho.Re.Ca. sector designed according to current regulations.
Fume extractor fans 400/2H
Safety-compliant extractor fans that can expel fumes even at 200°C to improve visibility and healthiness in the event of a fire.
Photoplasma systems
Solutions that integrate photoplasma technology to improve air quality and healthiness as well as moving air and extracting fumes.
Custom-made solutions
Our engineers assess application requirements in detail and configure custom-made air treatment units that improve the quality of working environments.
Customisation includes, for example, the creation of steel fans or the application of photoplasma technology to sanitise air and surfaces even after the products have been installed in your premises, all with the aim of giving you fans, extractor fans and hoods that solve the problems of poor ventilation in your spaces once and for all.
Do you want to improve the air quality in your company, but you don't know how?
Latest news

- AC asynchronous motor
- Boxed extraction units
- Brushless EC motor fans
- CMC Technology Asia
- Extraction of corrosive fumes & oil mists
- F400/2h fire fume exhausters
- Fume treatment
- High temperatures
- hvac
- Made in Italy
- Photoplasma
- Plug Fan
- Special solutions
- Transmission solutions
- Ventilatori Motore brushless EC